Here are two new shows in which top e-commerce experts examine some of the more common mistakes that are made online, how to avoid making them and, if you already have, what you can do right now to resolve them.
The first show features expert advice from Bryan Eisenberg, Cofounder of Future Now, and David Meerman Scott, best-selling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR, as they explain how to build and run a highly effective e-commerce site that makes every conversion it can.
Part 2 features expert advice from Sascha Lueken, Search Engine Expert, second-elements marketing, Stefan Tornquist, Research Director at Marketing Sherpa, Rick Wilson, Executive Vice-President at MivaMerchant, Bryan Eisenberg, Cofounder of Future Now, and Christian Anthony, General Sales Manager at ShopFactory.
Start getting the sales that your site deserves – click the flashing play button on the image below to watch part 1 right here, right now!
After you're done, you may want to click the "watch the next show" link directly on the video screen to view part 2 of the series or you can get linked to expert help right away. There's a link on the screen for that too.
There's much more to come!

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