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Breaking News From Richard Morris and the Free1Up...

As the Free1Up nears the 70,000 member mark and the launch of the Ad System Software, a few very exciting announcements have come in from company founder Richard Morris.

1. The lauch date is set for Labor Day September 3rd, 2007

2. After the launch of the Ad System Software,the price will be increased to $480. After the price increase, all paid member direct and one up commissions will be $240 per sale!

3. The Free1Up will incorporate a yearly recurring membership fee for all members. This will ensure that whatever a member makes in their first year, they will make that same amount in the second year, without having to work to find more sign ups in order to match their first years earnings!

This is a residual income stream being incorporated into the Free1Up system that definetly makes the program viable for the long term.


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