This just in from 1on40 Corporate:
"The proprietary software company Submit Expresso Group who own and operate the search engine submission service 1on40 has been approached by Search Engine giants as a buyout. Submit Expresso Group has turned down the offer of over 100 Million US Dollars for the company as its intention is to list the business on the London Stock Exchange in August 2008 which is not only more beneficial to its founders but also to its clients and affiliates alike. A buyout at this time is out of the question as the value of the company will be tenfold once the client base has grown to 10 million as projected by its stock flotation in August 2008.
With the end of Beta stage looming at the end of March, 1on40 is expected to see first gross profit of over £30 Million GBP (60 Million USD) which will establish it the main SEO in the world. Having established itself in a hard to break market using a free Beta version will have added to its overall value which will be paid out as dividends to its numerous loyal affiliates in August 2008 on flotation."
"The proprietary software company Submit Expresso Group who own and operate the search engine submission service 1on40 has been approached by Search Engine giants as a buyout. Submit Expresso Group has turned down the offer of over 100 Million US Dollars for the company as its intention is to list the business on the London Stock Exchange in August 2008 which is not only more beneficial to its founders but also to its clients and affiliates alike. A buyout at this time is out of the question as the value of the company will be tenfold once the client base has grown to 10 million as projected by its stock flotation in August 2008.
With the end of Beta stage looming at the end of March, 1on40 is expected to see first gross profit of over £30 Million GBP (60 Million USD) which will establish it the main SEO in the world. Having established itself in a hard to break market using a free Beta version will have added to its overall value which will be paid out as dividends to its numerous loyal affiliates in August 2008 on flotation."
Are you reading between the lines here?
1on40 is the real deal and they are about to hit the London Stock Exchange.
They are here to stay and as an affiliate of this company you will be greatly rewarded.
Period. Paragraph. End of story.
You still have time to get your website(s) to number 1 on Google plus 39 other major search engines plus Hundreds of others Worldwide and to become an affiliate partner if you so choose.
Remember, 1on40 pays a whopping $40 per referral. And it does not matter if that referral signs up as a client or an affiliate. Plus you get a percentage of all of your referrals sign ups.
Now, while I will not say how many, I will say that because of how attractive this opportunity is, I already have quite a few referrals with very little work done except for getting the word out.
You can do the same.
That very familiar saying "what are you waiting for" holds very true on this one.
Don't miss out.
Time is limited on the beta period free website submission offer.
FYI - I have contacted the Submit Expresso Group through back door channels and will post their response along with their contact information as soon as I recieve a reply.
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