Due to space restraints, Affiliate Home Business Solutions has moved.
We are now eBiz Profit Solutions
You will find us at:
Written on Monday, May 5, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Affiliate Home Business Solutions Has Moved!
Filed Under:
affiliate marketing,
Affiliate Programs,
Small Business,
Web Design and Development,
Webmaster Resources
Written on Sunday, April 13, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Every Website On The Net Will Be Instantly Web 2.0 Enabled
Filed Under:
cash blaster pro,
every website on the net web 2.0 enabled instantly,
million dollar giveaway,
new internet technology
Read that headline again...
That's a pretty big claim, but two weeks ago, a startup emerged claiming that they will unleash brand new technology to the Internet, that will do just that.

In that first two weeks, they have already hit the 10,000 member mark and as more and more people sign up and promote this, membership is beginning to grow exponentially. In fact, at the time of this post, the member count in my back office was 11,226. I have noticed sign up frequency to be in the range of between 18 to 25 new signups every 20 minutes!
One of the reasons for their almost alarming startup growth is the fact that they are giving away equal shares of One Million Dollars to everyone who signs up for Free and simply helps to spread the word before the July 1st 2008 launch.
The company has stated that they are prepared to launch an amazing new technology that will change the web - and You can be in before the masses know about it.

If this is all true then - What an opportunity!
Of course there are those who are skeptical as am I, and have already questioned if this technology is really capable of doing this.
The company has responded, Yes - it really is and that they are Not hyping this just to sign members.
They did give a quick give explanation on what it is they will be releasing. They just didn't mention exactly How they are going to do it.
"Websites like mySpace, youTube and other Web 2.0 sites are very successful. Big companies bought them out for huge sums of money. They lead the industry in the way the internet is evolving.
The NEXT logical step is to take this Web 2.0 technology from being on just a handful of websites and upgrade the entire Internet ALL AT ONCE, every website on the Internet to Web 2.0 standards.
That's right - EVERY website on the net will be Web 2.0 enabled at a click of a button with our Web 2.0 Upgrade.
How we are going to do it will remain a secret until our systems are launched to protect our technologies.
But rest assured - it really is that good. It really has more potential than any other technology online today.
This will be the next BIG tech company and YOU are in before we launch.
What if you could have been in before MySpace, Google or even Microsoft and YOU were able to grab a percentage of those companies. You could have made a fortune, right?
You can here..."
This is all very interesting and believable.
The World Wide Web is growing with technological innovations and expanding at an almost heart stopping pace on a daily basis and a development such as this, would be nothing short of a monumental achievement.
Looking through their promotional material, I ran across these intriguing statements...
"You are about to become part of history in the making. I know that our website leads to some pretty "lofty" claims of web-wide domination, complete saturation, total internet change, etc. and I only wish we could disclose the full details of our technologies to you right now so you would know that these claims are not some hyped up exaggeration to try and sell you something.
Though, I can tell you this. It will take less than 5 minutes of reviewing the details of this new technology for you to have NO DOUBT in your mind that this company is going to be the next BIG Internet Technology Company, not to mention you will also finally understand why this WILL be a full, web-wide upgrade to Web 2.0 Standards."
"The future of the Internet is NOW. Together, we are building the foundation to launch a NEW WAY to experience the online world."
Very interesting, intriguing and possibly even controversial.
Yet it will not cost you a dime to be a part of this internet revolution and get your share of the One Million Dollar giveaway, right here...
Talk with you soon. Add to Onlywire
Written on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
This Company Is Giving Away One Million Dollars...
Filed Under:
company giving away 1 million dollars,
the entire intire internet to be upgraded
Just got a pretty interesting email guys.
Here it is.
Dear Fellow Marketer,
EVERYONE WHO JOINS FOR FREE before our official launch date of July 1st
2008 *can receive an EQUAL SHARE of ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!
PENNY! This is not just some crazy promotion to get your attention. It will
not cost you ANYTHING and...
WE ARE GIVING AWAY $1,000,000.00
In this stage, we are striving to get AS MUCH exposure as possible by
offering a free membership and equal share in the ONE MILLION DOLLAR CASH
Here's the link
I've signed up already and so should you.
I mean why not, it's free to find out if this is real. What have you got to lose? Add to Onlywire
Written on Thursday, April 3, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Stop being a Moron! Expert Ecommerce Team shows how web site owners are still making the same old mistakes
Filed Under:
David Meerman Scott,
Marketing Sherpa,
new shows,
Rick Wilson,
Stefan Tornquist,
stop being a moron video series,
The New Rules of Marketing,
your business channel
Here are two new shows in which top e-commerce experts examine some of the more common mistakes that are made online, how to avoid making them and, if you already have, what you can do right now to resolve them.
The first show features expert advice from Bryan Eisenberg, Cofounder of Future Now, and David Meerman Scott, best-selling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR, as they explain how to build and run a highly effective e-commerce site that makes every conversion it can.
Part 2 features expert advice from Sascha Lueken, Search Engine Expert, second-elements marketing, Stefan Tornquist, Research Director at Marketing Sherpa, Rick Wilson, Executive Vice-President at MivaMerchant, Bryan Eisenberg, Cofounder of Future Now, and Christian Anthony, General Sales Manager at ShopFactory.
Start getting the sales that your site deserves – click the flashing play button on the image below to watch part 1 right here, right now!
After you're done, you may want to click the "watch the next show" link directly on the video screen to view part 2 of the series or you can get linked to expert help right away. There's a link on the screen for that too.
There's much more to come!

Written on Tuesday, April 1, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Introducing The Wowzaa! High Powered Professional Social Network
Filed Under:
affiliate marketers,
direct sales marketers,
internet entrepreneurs,
internet marketing community,
network marketers,
professional social network,
Where You'll Get Paid, For Real...

Forget getting pennies for clicking, posting, viewing, revenue sharing or any of those other ways that you have been trying to get paid by other Social Networks, it's better than nothing but it doesn't compare to the Wowzza! Compensation Plan which can earn you an income that matters in your life quickly and easily and over $80,000 a month for those that really take the Wowzza Business Opportunity seriously.
The Wowzza! Community is for anyone that markets their business on the Internet and those that provide products or services to those that market their business on the Internet, here is just a small list of individuals that would benefit from Wowzza!

Network Marketers
Affiliate Marketers
Direct Sales People
Personal Development Experts
Life Coaches
Business Consultants
Investment Consultants
Real Estate Agents
Mortgage Brokers
Service Providers
Advertising Providers
Home Business Consultants
Business Opportunity Owners
And here's a small list of things that make the Wowzaa! Professional Social Network Community different from the others.
All Community Members Are Paid Members
This gives Wowzaa! the only Social Network with all Serious Business People which ensures a much more professional environment for all of our members.When interacting with other members, you know that you are not wasting your time on people that are simply Social Networking as a "Social Sport".
Your Time And Marketing Are Never Wasted.

With a paid membership in the thousands, most of those being Home Business Owners, you know that you are cultivating rewarding relationships and that your marketing is being seen by a very specific target market.Targeting of this type would normally cost you thousands in monthly ad expenses, you can get amazing results at Wowzza! for a fraction of the cost.
There Are No Limits On Your Marketing
Post blogs, as many as you like with no size limit, post to the forum, create groups that are specific to your company, product, service or industry, put banners & links on your profile page and get discounts on Wowzza! advertising packages.
Professional Marketing System Included
For all members that are interested in recommending Wowzza! to others and earning a monthly income for their efforts, Wowzaa! provides a professional marketing system at no extra cost.
Millions of people are already using Social Networking Sites to promote their Internet Businesses, millions more join every day, they are currently some of the most visited sites on the entire Internet. Very few of these sites produce an income for their members, they don't want to share the millions of dollars they rake in everyday. Most are comprised of all free members and don't pay you at all, some pay a small commission for referring others, some pay pennies in revenue sharing, ad clicks, profile views, etc. but very few have an actual income generator and none have one as Powerful as WowzzaPower.
Click here to begin earning a Real Income that you can actually Live On even Retire On.

Written on Friday, March 21, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Google Site Targeting Video Series: Powerful Adwords Tactic Revealed
Filed Under:
google adwords,
increase website conversion,
increase website traffic,
little known tactics,
michael jones,
site targeting,
site targeting videos series,
traffic tycoons.com,
Michael Jones has just released this video series on a little known but very powerful adwords traffic generation tactic.
In the series, Michael explains the difference between keyword targeting, which most online marketers are already very familiar with, and the little known technique called Site Targeting.
The information contained in this series is easy to understand and will definitely open your eyes.
The entire series is 42 minutes long, so grab your favorite beverage, adjust your speaker volume, kick back and prepare to be enlightened.
If you've struggled to get targeted traffic to your web sites and offers - after absorbing this information - you'll struggle no more.
Killer Site Targeting Tips
Video 4
Online Wealth "Secret" Formula

Written on Saturday, March 15, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
If You're Doing Your Own Marketing Online, It's Time to Get snap!
Filed Under:
1 month free trial,
an elite team of experts,
get new customers,
ivan misner,
launch your business,
leading experts share marketing information,
presentation builder,
If you've ever wondered what impact the world's best marketing experts might have on your sales figures - today - you can get the answer for Free!
Introducing snap!
Picture walking into your own 'virtual' marketing agency. A place in cyberspace where you can connect with dozens of marketing experts to get ideas, ask questions, have your marketing checked or launch new campaigns out of a box.
Everything here, is focused on helping you do a great job on your marketing.
Featuring top tips and templates from internationally recognized experts like Ivan Misner, the service is low cost, and available from your web browser – anytime.
You can review dozens of short TV shows packed with tips on PR, marketing, networking, ecommerce, sales and social networking.
You can get ideas from a library packed with hundreds of articles and templates. And if you get stuck and need expert guidance, you can submit any question to the experts and get an answer back within 48 hours.Pretty handy stuff for anyone doing their own marketing.
They are working on new products to add to the mix all the time. For example they've just launched a Presentation Builder with thousands of slide options, and great templates (both design and content). So if your PowerPoint's are a bit tired, you can build a high impact presentation in about 45 minutes.
There's a free trial for 1 month, so you can see if it increases your sales, and after that if you decide to use it, it's just a couple of dollars a day, with no tie-ins.
Work on your marketing with an elite team of experts…
Collaborate online with the best brains in the business and get specific advice and feedback on your individual situation.
It just doesn't get any better than this.
You can access dozens of TV shows where leading experts share their top tips and strategies with you. Submit your marketing for review and get advice on precisely how to improve it!
Get ideas from hundreds of articles, templates and presentations to help you get your marketing right.
snap! covers all aspects of marketing for any business - whether startup or existing.
Includes Presentation Builder - giving you more than 2,400 slide combinations for high-impact presentations.
Why not save on expensive marketing agency fees, or the inevitable, significant cost of making mistakes?
Click now for a 1 Month Free Trial so you can access all of this and see for yourself. Add to Onlywire
Written on Friday, March 7, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Convert Your Blog to a Complete Website for Free
Filed Under:
convert your blog to a complete website free,
convert your blog to a dotcom free,
free MYSQL databases,
free website hosting,
free websites,
next generation services,
website promotion
Hyperwebenable is Off The Hook!
Now you can turn your blog - your name.blogspot.com or geocities.com/yourname - to a complete website - www.yoursitename.com for Free!
I was just informed of this new Free service and it - is - Crazy!
Bloggers, Listen Up...
This is something we have ALL been waiting for.
Please Give This Announcement Your UNDIVIDED Attention...
Hyperwebenable is a young startup with seasoned founders offering premiere web development services with a Serious twist.
This service offers Free Hosting and Free Websites to interested bloggers or skilled developers at No Cost!
...And you can install forums, wiki, CMS or your choice of scripts and you get UNLIMITED MySQL data bases, email (yourname@yoursitename.com) a TON of bandwidth and much more.
...And yes, you heard it right - No Cost!
Zero! - Zip! - Zilch! - Nada!
I've been wanting to say that for a long time and with something as significant as what you are about to witness, I am very pleased to do so.
We can now turn our dreams true by getting "next Generation services" absolutely Free!
I refuse to even try to give you some long, BS, hypey write up on this one.
Witness and be a part of this revolution for yourself and for Free, right here at...
Once you've absorbed it all, come back and let me know what you think.
BTW, after you've seen this, please remember to breathe... I almost forgot.
Written on Sunday, March 2, 2008 by Rodney Brooks
Pay Per Play Reopens the "Core Partner" Affiliate Program
Filed Under:
"net audio ads" netaudioads,
Per Play" pay per play,
PPP reopens core partner affiliate program
Net Audio Ads has reopened the affiliate (publisher) network to new core partner affiliates.
They have done this because according to Charles Heflin, "initial findings from preliminary results from BPA our network is 45% United States traffic. The remaining 65% of the traffic is originating from other countries."
"Quite surprising is the fact that the Philippines has a distribution of about 2 million potential audio ads per day. This is huge unchartered territory for someone in the Philippines that wants to sell 5 second audio ads to businesses local to the Philippines."
The Net Audio Ads Pay Per Play advertising platform has great coverage in countries like the UK, Australia and the Philippines, the only problem is that we need much more coverage in the United States.
"We have a major political advertiser that wants to run 5 ssecond internet audio ads through our network but they are demanding more than we have the ability to supply. This is not to say that they are not going to run ads anyways, they simply would be willing to pay for much more if we had it."
"This is why we have reopened the "core partner" affiliate program. We need the same viral spread that grew us to 600 million (VERIFIED) potential audio ad plays per month in only 3 months. We need to at least double our reach... We have done it before, let's do it again."
Charles also stated in his post that at some point, they will close the "core partner" opportunity but now is not that time. Net Audio Ads has reopened under the same structure so that we all benefit. Even though you may not have a website in your downline and earn directly, you earn because we will procure more advertisers that are willing to buy your available ad slots. He anticipates that we will be able to fill 100% of our available ad spots within 2 months.
That being said, you can sign up directly right here
...or you can continue reading the full Pay Per Play Blog post.
There's much more news and information there. Add to Onlywire